Without Strategy, Your Business Will in Tragedy!

business Strategy

Planning and executing marketing strategies are very hardworking and time-consuming and if you don’t have an effective and efficient strategy for your business, you will fall behind with your competitors. Many businesses are struggling with how to overcome their competitors and to improve their brands in this competitive marketing. Therefore, marketers should consider the eight key strategies to improve their social marketing performance.

Without Strategy, Your Business Will in Tragedy!

1. Set SMART Goals

It is important to comprehend what you are enthusiastic to achieve, and how and when you will be able to make your goal feasible. You are advised to practice the SMART goals for planning each project and the SMART goal is referred to as Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound goals. Therefore, it combines all the key criteria to boost up your efforts and increase the chances of achieving your goal.

2. Identify Priority Audience

Identifying a target audience, it will help you understand your audience’s demographics (age, gender, race, and ethnicity) and psychographics (attitude, lifestyle, level of education, occupation, income, religion, and recreational and entertainment choices). Thus, you will know clearly who you want to communicate with and what message you can send to them.

3. Conduct a Competitive Market Analysis

To overcome the competition, it’s worthwhile to understand your competitor’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in relation to your business so that you can know your existing and potential competitors and how to refine your strategy and stay ahead of your competitors.

4. Audit Your Current Social Media Presence

Before you strategize about what to do for improving your social media, you are encouraged to evaluate your current efforts so that you can realize what’s working, what’s failing, and what can be improved. Specifically, you will deeply understand who your page followers are and how your social media presence is compared to your competitors.

5. Decide the Right Social Media Platform for Your Business

To build your brand recognition with your desired target audience, you are required to determine the social media platform, which fits the best with your audience and business goal.

6. Find the Best Content for Social Media

You might check with other popular social media pages or your competitors and note down the types of content in which they can earn more interest and you can ask your followers what they want to see. More importantly, following the general trend of your business sector will help you come up with some newsworthy topics.

7. Plan a Social Media Content Calendar

Planning a posting schedule will keep you on track with the date, time, and content across all your marketing channels. Moreover, you can plan ahead of your content by reducing the risk of a big mistake and if your social media is monitored by a team, it is more convenient for you to manage and delegate multitasks because you are on the same track of one social media calendar platform.

8. Evaluate and Adjust

Tracking your social media data and trend helps you understand what you should take out and what you can improve on your page. Moreover, it lets you assess how well your content resonates with your business goals.

As social media is becoming increasingly popular, your business should have a presence, so read out 5 Reasons Why Business in Cambodia Must Have Social Media Presence

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